Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Quest for a New Me

I started this journey on July 1 after major back surgery and the need to get healthier and lose some major weight!! I have kept track of all my carbs and sugar since July 1. Right now I am NOT disclosing my weight but will share pounds lost as I go. As of today I have lost 11 pounds and 10". I am doing the Belly Cure book and then adjusting recipes as I go. The jest of it is you get 120 carbs and 15 grams of sugar a DAY. Sounds easy..right...NOT!! As I go I will share recipes I like, weight loss and other bits of information. Follow along as I work on a healthier new me!



  1. Diet Strawberry Shortcake
    1 plain rice cake
    cream cheese
    sugar free strawberry jam
    whip cream

    This is actually really good :)Put cream cheese on the rice cake, top with a little of the jam and then a spritz of whip cream. 12 carbs and 0 sugar!!

  2. I'm proud of you. Keep it up

  3. Reeses Peanut Butter Cup...OK not exactly

    Plain Rice Cake
    Nutella (or there is another one one that has less sugar)
    Peanut Butter - I use Simply Jif

    Put a THIN (1 tsp) nutela on the rice cake
    Put a layer of Peanut Butter (1T) over the nutella

    ENJOY!! Good "sweet" treat
